Board of Directors - Resolutions


December 10, 2023

USJA Resolution 1-23: Create a Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Name Rhadi Ferguson as Chair and Lauren Meece as a committee member. Charge the committee with growing Judo in disadvantaged communities and with apprising the Board of issues arising from disadvantaged communities. Resolution passed unanimously.

USJA Resolution 2-23: Create a $15 discount off the annual membership rate for families. Define “family” as two or more people, including a primary member, and the primary member’s spouse and dependent children. Resolution passed unanimously.

USJA Resolution 3-23: Create a public webpage that contains the corporate charter, bylaws, meeting minutes and all policy directives of the Board of Directors of the USJA. Resolution passed unanimously.


January 20, 2024

USJA Resolution 1-24: To amend the USJA, incorporated bylaws by adding an indemnification article. Motion seconded by Steven Matias. Paul Bova makes a motion to amend. Motion was seconded by Jordan Stone. Motion to Amend Was Passed Unanimously. Motion made by David Brogan for USJA resolution 1-24 as amended, seconded by Jordan Stone. Resolution Adopted Unanimously. Motion to rescind the adoption of USJA resolution 1-24 as amended made by David Brogan and seconded by John Schneider. Motion Passed Unanimously. Motion made by David Brogan to rescind the adoption of the amendment to USJA resolution 1-24. Seconded by Jordan Stone. Motion Passes Unanimously. Motion made by David Brogan to adopt resolution 1-24. Seconded by Jordan Stone. Resolution Adopted Unanimously.

USJA Resolution 2-24: To disband any committee not included below motion seconded by Jordan Stone:

  • a. Coaching Education and Certification Committee
  • b. Diversity and Inclusion Committee
  • c. Events Committee
  • d. Jujitsu Committee
  • e. Kata Committee
  • f. Kosen Judo Committee
  • g. Military and Public Service Committee
  • h. Promotion Board
  • i. Referee Certification Committee
  • j. Regional Coordinators Committee
  • k. Standards and Ethics Committee

Motion made by David Brogan. Motion Passed Unanimously

USJA Resolution 3-24: The United States Judo Association shall offer the following sanctions for events hosted by a United States Judo Association Chartered Club:

  • 1) Grassroots Sanction: A grassroots sanction permits participants from the United States Judo Association and the United States Judo Federation. The fee for a grassroots sanction shall be $40.
  • 2) National Sanction: A national sanction permits participants from the United States Judo Association, the United States Judo Federation, and USA Judo. The fee for a national sanction shall be $100.

Motion made by David Brogan. Seconded by Steven Matias. Motion Passed Unanimously.

USJA Resolution 4-24: For the purposes of the United States Judo Association’s Participant Accident Only Insurance Coverage, the United States Judo Association recognizes the United States Judo Federation and United States Judo, Inc. as groups authorized to hold activities/events with United States Judo Association members, and the United States Judo Association’s Participant Accident Only Insurance Coverage shall follow United States Judo Association members for injuries sustained to the member that arise from an activity/event supervised by the United States Judo Federation or the United States Judo, Inc. as if they were participating at a United States Judo Association event/activity.

Motion made by David Brogan. Motion seconded by Jordan Stone. Motion Passed Unanimously.

USJA Resolution 5-24: The United States Judo Association shall recognize rank and certifications issued by the United States Judo Federation and the United States Judo, Inc., and all national governing bodies recognized by the International Judo Federation. A member of the USJA who has never received rank from the USJA shall be entitled to a once in a lifetime free rank validation application with the USJA.

Motion Made by David Brogan. Motion seconded by John Schneider. Motion Passed Unanimously.

USJA Resolution 6-24: United States Judo Association membership shall be made available to all judoka, regardless of national citizenship. Only members who are citizens of the United States of America or legal residents of the United States of America shall be entitled to vote in the elections of the United States Judo Association and to receive awards from the United States Judo Association.

Motion made by David Brogan. Seconded by Scott Main. Motion Passed Unanimously

USJA Resolution 7-24: amending USJA Resolution 3-24 with the following:

The United States Judo Association shall offer the following sanctions for events hosted by a United States Judo Association Chartered Club:

1) Grassroots Sanction: A grassroots sanction permits participants from the United States Judo Association and the United States Judo Federation. The fee for a grassroots sanction shall be $40.

2) National Sanction: A national sanction permits participants REGARDLESS OF AFFILIATION WITH OR WITHOUT A NATIONAL GOVERNING BODY [from the United States Judo Association, the United States Judo Federation, and USA Judo]. The fee for a national sanction shall be $100.


February 10, 2024

USJA Resolution 8-24: The United States Judo Association adopts the attached USJA Rank Examination for all Senior Kyu Ranks Through Shodan. Document

July 21, 2024

USJA Resolution 9-24: Whereas Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a martial art derived directly from Judo; and whereas the techniques of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are at the very least, substantially similar to the techniques of Judo; and whereas practitioners of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu acquire significant Judo skills through training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu; and whereas the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) is the dominant international Brazilian Jiu Jitsu organization in the world; therefore be it resolved that time in grade and the required number of Judo classes attended may be waived for an individual with a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu issued by the IBJJF testing for Judo rank up to Yonkyu. The individual must still pass the required USJA Rank Examination; and be it further resolved that time in grade and the required number of Judo classes attended may be waived for an individual with a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu issued by the IBJJF testing for Judo rank up to Sankyu. The individual must still pass the required USJA Rank Examination; and be it further resolved that time in grade and the required number of Judo classes attended may be waived for an individual with a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu issued by the IBJJF testing for Judo rank up to Nikyu. The individual must still pass the required USJA Rank Examination.

USJA Resolution 10-24: Resolved that the USJA Promotion Board study the current promotion process for 4th through 10th dan black belt grades, elicit public comment, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding any potential improvements by October 31, 2024.

October 14, 2024

USJA Resolution 11 -24: Promotions to 9th and 10th Dan shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the Promotion Board, followed by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors.


February 24, 2025

USJA Resolution 1-25: Resolved that for all purposes where sexual harassment and/or concussion training is required by the USJA, satisfactory completion as evidenced by a certificate of completion shall be acceptable if issued by the US Center for SafeSport, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the National Federation of State High School Associations.